Bread Halwa Recipe
Bread Halwa Recipe |
Today we have brought Bread Halwa Recipe. Bread ka Halwa is very easy to make and is very easy to eat. Whenever you want to have an instant breakfast, you can try Bread Halwa. Then, wondering what to do, make note of how to make instant pudding and try today. We hope that the Bread Halwa Recipe.
Ingredients :
Bread_bread slice - 08 grinding,
Milk - 400 ml,
Sugar - 200g,
Pure Ghee - 02 tbsp,
Raisins - 15-20 nos,
Cashew nuts - 10-12 nos (finely chopped),
Almond - 07-08 nos (finely chopped).
Method :
Bread Pudding Recipe and Bread Halwa Recipe Firstly, heat the milk in kitchenware. As long as the milk is heating up, make small pieces of bread. Along with this, make small pieces of cashew nuts too. When the milk gets warm, make the flame slowly low, so that the milk becomes hot.
Now heat ghee in a non-stick wok. When the ghee is warmed, pour the pieces of bread in it and fry while running. When the pieces of bread are light brown and crispy, put the pieces of raisins and cashews in it.
Run the mixture well. After that mix sugar in the mixture and cook it while running. After a while, sugar will start to melt and melted. As the sugar starts melting, add milk in the pan and cook for 5 minutes while stirring the mixture.
When the mixture of bread becomes thick like turmeric, turn off the gas. Now remove the bread pudding in a bowl and decorate it with finely chopped almond pieces.
Take the recipe for making your bread pudding completely. Now your delicious bread pudding Bread Ka Halwa is ready. Remove it in a hot plate and enjoy it with the family.
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